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Module I: EMS Overview
Providers' roles in the process of EMS systems medical oversight
Module II: The EMS System
Describes the organizational structure and characteristics of EMS systems
Module III: Medical Oversight
Describes the qualifications, roles, responsibilities and authority of EMS medical directors
Module IV: Personnel and Education
Describes the medical directors role in personnel education, training and health and safety of EMS providers
Module V: EMS System Responsibilities
Describes the role of EMS as a community health care resource
Module VI: Quality Improvement
Describes the structure, process and outcome as it pertains to EMS quality improvement
Module VII: Medical Director's Role in All Hazards Events
Explore the role of the medical director in various events
Module VIII: State, Regional, and Local Issues
Discuss state-specific issues pertinent to EMS medical directors
Assessment: Final Evaluation
Assessment for continuing education or other credit